Every once in a while you'll get an idea/inspiration from somewhere that's so simple but so GREAT. This happened to us last weekend. On Saturday we were passing by a neighbors house at 8PM (way too late to be out w/the kids walking but Saul dilly-dallied at the park shooting pix) and she was bringing out a small bucket of water and some (art) paintbrushes for her daughter Jenna to play with. I thought wow, what a great idea, "painting" with water on the sidewalk. Now let me step back, painting can bring about thoughts of messes and cleaning so we usually saved painting with Miles for warm days and we've never let the babies paint because, well, they're only 20 months but they've just started experimenting at daycare. Now that the weather has turned it's perfect painting outside weather (no I don't know if we'll ever let our 3 monkeys paint inside), but the mess issue still causes us to pause with concern over such a project. BUT thanks to Jenna's house, I thought let's let our little artists "paint" with water when we were in the backyard yesterday on a very hot pre-summer's day.
What a brilliant idea. They amused themselves for quite a while as Saul and I hung out sipping wine and not doing a thing. No paint, no mess, just water and paint brushes on the ground and the kids loved it. I have an idea we'll be bringing out the paints this Summer but until the perfect time/day hits us, the kids will be painting with DWP's finest.