Dane continues to amaze us with his culinary adventures. This weekend, after my long awaited trip to the San Mateo Farmers Market, we got 4 artichokes. We braised 3, cut in half, in olive oil with garlic, herbs and wine. There was no dipping sauce involved, only salt on the artichokes. Dane said he wanted a bite and Saul helped pull it through his teeth. He loved it and continued to ask for more. We were amazed. And to add to our amazement, Miles asked for a bite. Yes the non-foodie in the Lewis HH asked for a bite. He liked the first bite, which seemed too good to be true. I gave him a 2nd bite and he spit it out. As I suspected he didn't really get the meat off of the leaf, he mostly ingested salt. The 2nd bite was more of the meat and he hated it. He said it was too spicy. At least he tried. Sophie watching this all go on, then decided not to take a bite and go with Miles assessment that it was too spicy. 1 out of 3 is not bad:-)